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Back-to-School Goals Printable for Kids

Don't let your kids go back to school without setting goals for the school year. Use this Back-to-School Goals Printable for Kids to achieve their dreams!

As our boys headed back to school this past week, we had a discussion around the dinner table about what goals they wanted to accomplish in the upcoming school year. Quickly, we would probably forget what goals the kids had, so I decided to make this Back-to-School Goal Printable for Kids.

Back-to-School Goal Printable for Kids

Such a simple and quick way for these goals to be recorded. Your kids may only have one or two goals or they may have six or seven. Number doesn’t matter. Just have your kids take 10 minutes to write their goals down. You may get some moaning and groaning or others that are excited…but what I have found in business, as well as personal life, that writing goals down pushes us, and will motivate your kids to achieve!

Hang the goals up on the fridge or on a bulletin board. After each quarter of school, revisit the goal sheet and see what has been achieved! It’s totally up to you, but you may even want to reward your kids when goals are achieved. Nothing fancy–maybe a quick donut run or go out for ice cream, even a trip to the movies.

Simply put–teach your kids to reach and achieve!

Don't let your kids go back to school without setting goals for the school year. Use this Back-to-School Goals Printable for Kids to achieve their dreams!


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