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Easy Lunchbox Hacks | Friday Favorite 5

I am sure you have noticed all of the back-to-school posts. Some of you are lucky enough to have a few more weeks until your kids go back to school, but my kiddos started back this week!

Back-to-school means we are back to packing lunches. In our home, the kids pack their lunches everyday. While my husband and I work on dishes after dinner, the kids get busy packing. Any suggestions I can give to make lunch packing easy is welcomed by them!

I love the easy lunchbox hacks below, and I am sure you will too!

Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.


Easy Lunchbox Hacks

Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.

Quick Fix Snacks, Let’s Lasso the Moon

Hate brown apples? So do the kids! This simple trick helps keep the apple from turning brown!

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Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.

Lunchbox Icepacks, My Kitchen Escapades

I get so tired of icepacks leaking..and then the blue “stuff” gets all over the lunchbox. This solution is easy and safe.

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Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.

DIY Lunchables, Cascadian Farm

Why didn’t I think of this earlier? I refuse to buy unhealthy lunchables…these silicone cupcake holders keep food arranged. Brilliant.

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Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.

Great Containers for Food on the Go,  Sports Mom Survival Guide

My kids do not like eating bruised, brown bananas after they have been knocked around int heir lunchbox. This banana holder keeps that from happening!

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Make packing your kid's lunches easier with these Easy Lunchbox Hacks you can't live without! Simple ways to make life better.

Silverware Container, Pinterest

Easy! Run to the dollar store and grab a toothbrush holder to put silverware in for your kiddo’s lunch!

Check out other great back-to-school ideas here!


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