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5 Ways to Get Organized in the Kitchen

5 ways to get organized in the kitchen | clear the clutter | free printable recipe cards | how to eliminate mess

Have you ever walked in to a kitchen and noticed the counters are full of clutter? There are papers and appliances, bags and boxes of food, dishes and more. Wait…I might even be talking about YOUR kitchen!

The fact is the kitchen is the hub of our homes. The messier it is, the messier life feels. The kids are overwhelmed because of the counter disaster, Dad tends to help contribute to the mess by dumping more on the counter and you…well, you may not even know where to start to feel like you have an organized kitchen!

Get an Organized Kitchen

Let’s focus on getting five areas of your kitchen cleaned up so that your entire family can feel less overwhelm:

Remove Paper Clutter

There’s always a counter that collects papers, and then the pile gets bigger and bigger. Use a pretty box to hide all the papers. Weekly, schedule a time to go through the box and organize the papers. I love this box because it has a lid–even less clutter to look at!

Keep your Food in the Pantry

Don’t store that half a loaf of bread on the counter next to the toaster. This makes the kitchen look junky. Use your pantry, or even a designated cabinet (if you don’t have a pantry) and your fridge for storing food! You will quickly get in the habit of heading to the pantry for what you need instead of grabbing something off the counter.

Tame the Technology

The phones and tablets and all their charging cords strewn across the kitchen counters make me want to cringe! We had this problem for years until I finally found a charging station dock & organizer–allowing all the technology clutter to be condensed in one spot and it looks decent too!

Gather Your Recipes

Stuffed in this cabinet and that, printed from Pinterest and shoved in the back of a cookbook, even tossed in the kitchen junk drawer, your recipes are all over the kitchen! Gather all your loose recipes. As you pick each up, toss the recipe if you made it and hated it or don’t think you will ever even try to make it. Keep all the others. Take one evening to transfer your recipes to recipe cards that can go in your recipe binder or box. I’ve even included free printable recipe cards for you!

5 ways to get organized in the kitchen | clear the clutter | free printable recipe cards | how to eliminate mess

Ditch the Appliances

Time to evaluate! If you don’t use your small appliances that set on the counter EVERY single day, hide it or get rid of it. Do you really use the blender? If it’s just once a week, pull it out from a cabinet. And that toaster oven that looks brand new–you might want to donate it! Trust me you won’t miss it if it’s gone!

It’s funny, I have friends walk in my house all the time and ask how I keep it so clean. The reality is it only appears to be clean! It may be picked up and clutter free, but if you look closely, there’s definitely some dirt! What this organized kitchen and clutter-free counter habit does or our family is simply  eliminate the overwhelm–not just in the kitchen, but in general.

Now it’s your turn to give it a try–start by downloading the free printable recipe cards below and get your recipes in order!

5 ways to get organized in the kitchen | clear the clutter | free printable recipe cards | how to eliminate mess 5 ways to get organized in the kitchen | clear the clutter | free printable recipe cards | how to eliminate mess

Want to get all of your recipes organized? Get them organized in a snap with Recipe Binder Collection Kit:



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One Comment

  1. Hi,
    Really liked this article and got some good tips that helped me to organize the kitchen. I am live out maid, used to work for 2-3 families in Dubai. These tips will helps to complete my daily task easily.

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