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Boys Rock | Girls Rock — Printable Sign Decor

I was on a little road trip with my oldest kiddo this past weekend for a baseball tournament and we were super close to an IKEA!

Girls Rock free printable sign decor, one for boys too

Of course, that called for a “quick” stop! Two and a half years after moving into our house I am finally working on getting the kids rooms decorated beyond just paint and great bedding! There were a couple of items I have been wanting to grab, so this was a perfect opportunity!

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After getting home and spending some time putting finishing touches on my youngest’s room I realized there are a few printable things I need to make! (I’ll be sure to share them when I have them finished.) When I get going on projects like these, I am always inspired! So I start creating…!

Boys Rock free printable sign decor, one for girls too

Supplies I used:

These fun “Boys Rock” and “Girls Rock” printables came to mind for all of you! You can use it for your kid’s room decor or even just hang it on their bathroom mirror one morning, just to let them know you’re thinking of them! Another possibility is to greet them with a sign on the door in the garage to let them know you think they are cool! My kids love that for no reason at all I acknowledge them in a special way! Give it a try!

Boys Rock Girls Rock

You can download the printable by grabbing the link at the bottom of the post and print it on card stock for best quality. I quickly displayed the sign by using a clipboard. You can make an entire wall display of clipboards with different printables for a knock it out of the ball park look!

Girls Rock free printableBoys Rock free printable

Are you in need of any cool printables for your kids rooms? Let me know in the comments below! Or check out some of these fun printables.


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