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DIY Household Thieves Cleaner & Free Printable Label

Create your own DIY Household Cleaner that is non-toxic, safe for everyone and less expensive than store-bought cleaners. Plus a free bottle label.

You all! I had an absolute disaster on my hands a few weeks back. I am talking nightmare! We were gone for the evening and came home to find that the laundry room door didn’t get shut, which meant the dog got out and was sick. Ugh. He got sick in 4 spots on the family room carpet….and then my husband stepped in it!He walked around the family room and didn’t realize it was on the bottom of his shoe! Four spots turned into about 12 spots. Not what you want to have happen at 10:30PM!

Create your own DIY Household Cleaner that is non-toxic, safe for everyone and less expensive than store-bought cleaners. Plus a free bottle label.

My bottle of carpet cleaner was almost empty, but thankfully my Essential Oils order happened to arrive earlier in the day and it included the Thieves Cleaner!. I had actually removed almost all of my household cleaners over the past few months and only used my homemade Thieves cleaner essential Oil, but I had not used it on the carpet. Seriously. I was still nervous about getting all the spots out. It took a little time, but I worked on every spot. It was late in the night and even with all the lights on, it was just dark enough to see if the spots were actually clean.

Every. single. spot. was gone!

The next morning I was extremely relieved to know that when I opened the blinds every. single. spot. was gone! No WAY! This truly is the best cleaner I have ever used. It is non-toxic, safe for everyone and less expensive than store-bought cleaners and a testing shows it to have a 99.96 percent success rate against airborne bacteria. The Thieves Oil is a blend of clove, lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and rosemary therapeutic grade essential oils. Did I mention it smells fabulous!?!

In fact, Thieves is my favorite Essential Oil. We love to diffuse it and apply it daily topically to keep everyone healthy!

If you want to thy Thieves household cleaner, but don’t have the Thieves concentrate you can make your own Thieves Cleaner with the essential oil, just follow this simple recipe:

DIY Household Thieves Cleaner

Thieves Essential Oil
Spray Bottle (I prefer a dark glass container)

  1. Add 1 drop of thieves essential oil to every ounce of water.
  2. Shake before using.
  3. For a more heavy duty cleaner (like carpet stains) Add 2 drops of Thieves Essential Oil to every ounce of water.
DIY Household Thieves Cleaner
  • Thieves Essential Oil
  • Water
  • Spray Bottle (I prefer a dark glass container)
  1. Add 1 drop of thieves essential oil to every ounce of water.
  2. Shake before using.
  3. For a more heavy duty cleaner (like carpet stains) Add 2 dropts of Thieves Essential Oil to every ounce of water.

If you want to have a great label for your bottle, simply print out the Bottle Label, that you can download here.


Cover the Label with clear packing tape and cut the label out.

Lastly, use a little spray adhesive on the back to stick to your bottle!

Create your own DIY Household Cleaner that is non-toxic, safe for everyone and less expensive than store-bought cleaners. Plus a free bottle label.

 Are you interested in using Thieves Oil to make your own cleaner or buying the Thieves Household Cleaner concentrate? You can find out how to get the Essential Oils here.

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  1. This is so interesting idea! I had no idea that I can use the essential oils as cleaners! Thanks a lot for sharing this article! Cudham Carpet Cleaners Ltd.

    1. Hi Amy- From what I have read, oils a safe around birds, except for Tea Tree. A bird’s lungs function differently than other animals, so use caution. When you start using the oils, introduce them slowly in the room with the bird! Let me know if you have any other questions!

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