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Summer Coloring Card | Free Summer Printable Day #13

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Make rainy summer days as fun as the sunny ones! A little coloring, using the Summer Coloring Card, makes for a relaxing and fun day.

30 Days of Free Summer Printables continues today with day 13! Each day we are bringing to you printables that will help you with your summer organization, fun, travel and much, much more!

Summer Coloring Card

Thirty Handmade Days shared this cute Summer Coloring Card as part of their “Funner in the Summer” series. It’s a great way for girls and boys alike (both young and old!) to use the creative right-side of their brains! You can choose any type of medium to use on these cards: watercolors, crayons, sharpies and more! I would suggest printing on card stock for best durability!

free summer printables | summer coloring card | diy coloring activities | free printable

Download the free Summer Coloring Card by clicking the link below…


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