
5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking | Friday Favorite 5

Earlier this week I mentioned how there are many times I struggle with homemaking. To be honest, if I take the time to follow some quick habits for homemaking, our household runs much more smoothly.

I know that these habits have proven true to work for me, so why do I stop?…I am sure in my mind I think, if I just take a day off here or there from one or two of these habits, it won’t be a big deal. BUT IT IS!…One day leads to two days, and so on!

But, tomorrow is always a new day…to start back up or just simply to start. Follow these 5 Quick Habits Easier Homemaking see if these makes a difference in your home.

Follow these 5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking to feel less stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis.

5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking

Follow these 5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking to feel less stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis.

Stay on Top of the Laundry, A Mother Far From Home

Don’t let the laundry pile up. Do ONE load a day. Every Single Day, and lose that overwhelmed feeling.

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Follow these 5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking to feel less stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis.

One Kitchen Tweak that Changed my Attitude, The Nester

Run the dishwasher every night. Empty it every morning. And make the drawers closest to the dishwasher the ones where you plates, cups and silverware go–for quick emptying.

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Follow these 5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking to feel less stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis.

10 Freezer Meals in One Hour, Living Well Spending Less

Plan ahead for meals. It’s never our favorite thing to do, but it keeps us from running to the grocery store multiple time/week and we know we can get dinner on the table.

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Follow these 5 Quick Habits for Easier Homemaking to feel less stressed and overwhelmed on a daily basis.

Create an Evening Pick-Up Routine, Creative Savings

Just a few minutes every night will allow you to wake up to a picked-up home. Worth every minute.

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Instant Gratification Chore Chart, Moritz Fine Blog Designs

We are not in this alone! Stop trying to do everything on your own. Enlist the help of your kids to help with your home upkeep.

Don’t Forget!

This week only, Homemaking Just Got Easier!!

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A complete library of 99 eBooks and eCourses to help you nurture the beauty and productivity in your home and family relationships.


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