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5 Reasons You Should Start Christmas Shopping Now!

Want to breeze through December and enjoy the holidays stress free? Follow these 5 must-read reasons you need to start your Christmas shopping now.

Every single procrastinator is going to hate to hear this, but it’s truly time to start your Christmas shopping now! It sounds crazy, I know. It’s not even Halloween yet, but trust me, if you want to breeze through the month of December and enjoy the holidays stress free, you need to start your shopping now.

5 Reasons You Should Start Christmas Shopping Now!

Help Ease the Finances

December can be a hefty month on the finances. Multiple purchases can rack up a large credit card bill and even drain a savings account.

Try setting a budget for the shopping season and then dividing it up over a number of months. Starting to shop in early fall, such as September or October, allows you to spread the budget over 3 or 4 months.

Great Selection

Shopping early ensures that whatever item you are looking for is most likely in stock–both in stores and online. Shop while sizes and colors are available for the products you are looking for.

Great Deals

Stores are constantly having sales or offering discounts even when it’s not Christmas time. Take advantage of sales combined with a great selection to get items at a low cost.

If you have a few favorite stores you do lots of shopping at, be sure to get on their email list to find out the best deals and sales.

Want to save even more? Be sure to shop through Rakuten.com for all of your online purchases. Rakuten offers a percentage back in cash for each purchase. Simply go to their website, search for the store you want to shop from and click the link. Rakuten will track your purchase and keep track of your cash back total every quarter, then send you a check.

Avoid Crowds and Lines

With your shopping started early, December will roll around and you can enjoy staying out of the holiday crowds at the mall and avoid the last minute rushing around.

Avoid Last Minute Stress

Now it’s time to enjoy holiday gatherings and parties stress-free! Get your wrapping done, bake your holiday treats and watch a bunch of Christmas movies with the family.

Do you feel like you are at a loss for where to start? Download the free printable Holiday Kickstart Organizer to get your gift list started with ease.

Want to breeze through December and enjoy the holidays stress free? Follow these 5 must-read reasons you need to start your Christmas shopping now.


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  1. I start my Christmas shopping on Dec. 26th and shop all year long to find the perfect gifts for my grown daughters and the rest of my family. It is so much easier and lots of fun for me since I do all my shopping online. I get deliveries on almost a weekly basis! I recommend the year-round shopping to save time and aggravation at Christmas time! Feliz Navidad!

  2. I would love to look at your Holiday Planner, but when I click on the link, it just returns me to the main post page. Thanks for all your wonderful resources.

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