
Applesauce Puffs

I wanted to share with you one of my husband’s all-time favorite things to eat! Applesauce Puffs. Pre-husband, I had never heard of such a thing! This was one of those recipes he “brought to our marriage!” I have to keep an eye on that guy when I make them, because if I ‘m not careful, no one else will get any!Need a quick muffin recipe? Try these Applesauce Puffs that are easy and quick to make! KIDS LOVE THEM! Common ingredients you probably already have on hand!

Typically the ingredients are ones I have in the house at all times, so it’s quick to make these on a whim.

easy to make applesauce muffins


  • ingredients (listed below)
  • muffin pan OR mini muffin pan (I LOVE the mini for bit sized muffins or to toss in our kid’s lunches!)–trust me get THIS pan..so much easier to remove the muffins!

They are a great sweet dessert and even yummy for breakfast! My kids love them for both. Pop them in the microwave for 8-10 seconds and they will melt in your mouth! They taste like a cinnamon-sugar donut!

Need a quick muffin recipe? Try these Applesauce Puffs that are easy and quick to make! Common ingredients you probably already have on hand!

One other option is to make up a batch and throw them in the freezer. They store great and are easy to pull out of the freezer the night before you need them for breakfast!

Need a quick muffin recipe? Try these Applesauce Puffs that are easy and quick to make! Common ingredients you probably already have on hand!

Applesauce Puffs and this easy, quick 2-Step Apple Cake are my fall “go-to” recipes I can’t live without!

Need a quick muffin recipe? Try these Applesauce Puffs that are easy and quick to make! Common ingredients you probably already have on hand!
Applesauce Puffs
Author: Heather Moritz
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
Serves: 12
  • 2 c. Bisquick
  • 3/4 c. sugar (divided)
  • 3 t. cinnamon (divided)
  • 1/2 c. applesauce
  • 1/4 c. milk
  • 1 egg
  • 2 T. oil
  • 5 T. melted butter
  1. Combine Bisquick, 1/4c. sugar and 1 t. cinnamon.
  2. Stir in applesauce, milk, egg and oil until well mixed.
  3. Fill greases muffin pan 2/3 full.
  4. Back at 400 for 10 min.
  5. In a bowl mix 1/2 c. sugar with 2 t. cinnamon.
  6. Dip hot puffs in bowl of melted butter and then in bowl of cinnamon sugar.



The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!

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  1. I just made these puffs tonight. INCREDIBLE and super easy! House smells delicious too 🙂 I made my own applesauce for this as well and they turned out wonderfully. Recipe is spot-on. Will be making again!!

    1. I am totally making these tonight! Can’t wait! 🙂

      In my country we don’t have Bisquick, so I googled for a substitute. I found one recipe that works very well every time.
      Here it is:
      1 c. flour,
      1/2 tsp. baking powder,
      1/4 tsp. salt, 1 Tbsp. oil (or melted butter).
      That’s it! It’s equivalent to 1 cup of dry mix and can be used in virtually any recipe that calls for Bisquick.

  2. just made these tonight. OMG they are a must have now! I actually only had unsweetened applesauce and it worked well. I even chopped up an apple and blended it in to the batter – good addition. Thanks for this recipe. They are so so good!

  3. These look great! I want to make them tonight for a family get together… Would normal pancake mix work instead of Bisquick?

  4. Really love this! Just finished making them with jiffy instead of bisquick and home made applesauce instead! Needed a bit more cooking time but otherwise it worked and they are delicious!

  5. Made these using a mini muffin pan. Also added one small peeled, diced apple to the batter. Substituted powdered sugar for the sugar in the topping. So good!

      1. Be careful with that – your husband may not like the change. Even it’s good it may be more about the tradition.

  6. Made these tonight, but made a few substitutions because I didn’t have everything! I substituted silk original soy milk (i am dairy free), dairy free butter, and also I only had cinnamon flavor applesauce. They still turned out AMAZING despite my alterations! I highly recommend, and will definitely be bookmarking.

  7. I made these puffs for breakfast. They were so good! I used Jiffy instead of bisquick. This is a keeper!

  8. Oh my goodness! I used to make these, but it was soooo long ago and I lost the paper recipe. Thank you, Heather!

  9. It was so long ago, but Andrea, just flour will not work. Bisquick and pancake mixes are baking mixes that already have leavening in them. If you want to use just flour, you’ll need to figure out either baking soda or baking powder and salt.

    Heather Moritz, I am wondering about just rolling the dough balls in a cinnamon/sugar mix before baking. Seems to me it should work kind of like a topping for coffee cake. I also think they would be good in a muffin topper baking pan…bigger and flatter.

    1. I think you might be right, Christine…it might be best to brush with butter and then add cinnamon sugar on top (like you said-muffin topper). The will probably just be a little crunchy on top, which would be yummy too!

  10. God bless you woman! We’ve been on a “wa-wa’s” kick for months now. I swear the kid could eat Eggo waffles EVERY. SINGLE. morning if I let him. Made these the other night hoping he’d at least TRY them come breakfast time. Would you believe he GOBBLED one down?? (Of course you would. You know how awesome they are!) The next morning he actually asked for “muffin” instead of those dang waffles. Hallelujah!! Perfect freezable, on-the-go breakfast. And toddler approved!

  11. Stumbled upon your blog via Pinterest. This recipe looks delicious! For previous posters, google “Bisquick substitution” and recipes will pop up. I will try these today, thank you!

  12. Mine didn’t come out. 🙁 My batter was very crumbly and I had to press it in the pan. When I went to take them out of pan after baking they just fell apart back to the crumble state. I had to toss them all. I read and re read and I added the correct amount of applesauce, milk and egg. What did I do wrong?

  13. These Sound Amazing I Am Going To Make A Batch Sunday After Church I Just Have To Stop Off At The Store And Get Apple Sauce Thank You For This Amazing Recipe

  14. would like to try the mini muffins any idea of how long to bake? I always struggle trying to convert muffins to mini muffins with baking times.

  15. I made these today and used my mini muffin pan.. I have gas for heat, and ended up bashing them for 10 minutes. The batter us dense, and I test timed then for 5 minutes and discovered I needed longer time.
    Needless to say, you know your oven, always set it fir less time. This way you can always add minutes

  16. My 4 year old LOVES these. My husband thinks they’re very plain – and they definitely are. You can spice them up but the basic recipe is just a plain cake with sugar on top. However that is right up my kids alley. (I suspect the cinnamon sugar topping lures her in. )
    I toss them in the freezer and in the morning thaw them for a few seconds in the microwave. I use the Auto Reheat Roll/Muffin button actually, and it thaws them in the middle but doesn’t make them hot. If I give them for daycare I just put the frozen muffin in and it’s thawed by lunch.

  17. These were amazing!!! My kids helped me make them (ages 9 and 11) and it was super easy!!! Most of all, super tasty!!!

  18. My girls, 2 and 4 helped me make these last night. They love to help cook and this is a simple recipe that is easy for them to lend a helping hand. A great bonus that they loved the way they taste!

  19. Here is one version of a DIY biscuit mix. There are many you can find online.
    Homemade Baking Mix (DIY Bisquick)

    •9 cups Unbleached All-Purpose Flour
    •5 tablespoons baking powder
    •1 tablespoon salt
    •¼ cup granulated sugar
    •1 cup vegetable shortening


    Putting your baking mix together:
    1.In a large bowl, blend together the dry ingredients. Then, with a pastry cutter, a fork or your fingertips, cut or rub in the vegetable shortening until it is evenly distributed and the resulting mixture looks like cracker crumbs.
    2.Storage of your baking mix
    3.Place the mix in a large, airtight container (I had a plastic canister that was empty to store mine in, but Ziploc bags work well too) or divide it into pre-measured 2 cup portions don’t pack the baking mix into the measuring cup when measuring . It will make approximately 7 batches of 12 pancakes.
    4.If you decide to include whole grain flours in your baking mix for a healthy spin, you are introducing the perishable oils that come from the germ of the grains that may deteriorate at room temperature. Mixes made with whole grain flours will best be stored in an airtight container in the freezer.

    Recipe by Home in the Finger Lakes at http://www.homeinthefingerlakes.com/homemade-baking-mix-diy-bisquick/

  20. I would like to do this at my preschool. I am thinking of leaving off the last DIPPING step. Have you tried that?

    1. I haven’t tried skipping that step…as that is what would make the sugar mixture stick. What about just putting the melted butter in one of those plastic ketchup bottles (you can get them at the dollar store) and drizzling the butter over the top, then sprinkling with sugar?….this would help eliminate a bit of the mess!

  21. You can’t substitute flour because Bisquick contains other things. I don’t use Bisquick because it contains partially hydrogenated oil and that contains trans fats. Try making your own baking mix – just google ” baking mix recipe like Bisquick ” and you’ll find some. I’d give one here but not sure it’s allowed.

  22. so good!!! thank you 🙂
    I was looking for a quick after-school snack and these were great! I used a homemade bisquck-type of mix and coconut milk, in little muffin tins for 6 minutes (and used coconut oil to coat pre-sugaring) and they were so yummy! Thank you!

  23. These were great! I added in about 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. Also, I think I over-filled my muffin cups because I only got 10 puffs, so I had to bake 3 minutes longer. They were still delicious! Thank you for sharing…I will make these again and again!

  24. I made these for a group of people and they were very popular. Very moist (must be the applesauce). I need to slap my hand to keep from eating them! This recipe is a keeper, and I will add it to my personal recipe collection. Many thanks!!

  25. These are sooo tasty! Instead of Bisquick, I used whole wheat flour, coconut oil and baking powder. I also added in very tiny pieces of apple (safe for my 1 year old son). These were a hit with my son and husband! Definitely making these again!

  26. I haven’t tried these yet, but I’m really looking forward to it. Quick question – are these somewhat hollow when you make them, where you could fill them with a little bit of applesauce kind of like a jellly donut?

  27. Sorry, didn’t understand the freezing part, do I freeze before or after baking? I’m making my grown children freezer me add me as one of their xmas gifts this year, because they work crazy schedules, which makes it hard to eat good home cooked meals often. Would love to include the too!! Thank you for the recipe.

  28. I made these yesterday and they were absolutely delicious! One problem, though… I stored them on a covered cakeplate overnight (after they were FULLY cooled) and when I woke up, they were juicy. It was like they were sweating or something and sitting in a little puddle of wet cinnamon-sugar. They still tasted good, but I wonder what happened. Anyone have any advice. I would like to make these for guests or a potluck, but wonder how to avoid the puddles.

  29. I came across these looking for something to make with some canned applesauce we had and they are AMAZING!! I used pumpkin pie spice instead of cinnamon! (We don’t ever keep cinnamon in the house because my husband hates it!) lol.

  30. I made these with my 2 1/2 year old girl today. In order to avoid the mess and high heat involved in rolling in butter and cinnamon sugar for little fingers, we added the extra cinnamon and sugar right into the batter and used no topping. We baked them in mini tins for about 10 minutes. Delicious!

    1. I would not adjust the temperature, but I would adjust the time. Your first go at it, you’ll just have to monitor them a bit. My best guess is to check them after about 7 minutes!

  31. I am totally in LOVE with this recipe! I split my batch and I made half with the way it said in the recipe and half I put the cinnamon and sugar on before baking and it made a yummy crust on the top! I love it both ways! Next time I make it I think I will add some raisins! Thank you for this amazing recipe!!

  32. This was my favorite recipe growing up! I got it in pre-school and it was pasted on a construction paper apple that I lost a long time ago. So glad to find it again!

  33. I pinned this recipe a while ago as a morning treat/snack to make for my toddler. I finally made it but I made it with a little twist! I made a double batch so I could fill my jumbo muffin tin, and used unsweetened strawberry apple sauce for added flavor, but not a ton of added sugar. I followed the base recipe X2 for everything else. 16-18 min @ 400° would probably be good, I did it for 20 and it was a tad bit darker than I’d prefer, but definitely not burned. Tried a nibble and it tasted super yummy! Can’t wait to let little one sample in the morning!

  34. I have 2 pear trees so I make a lot of pear sauce instead of applesauce. Found your recipe and thought i’d give it go using pear sauce instead of the applesauce. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! So delicious! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe.

  35. You just made my day! I was looking for something different to bake for Thanksgiving as a desert and this pops up in my email! Thanks so much for sharing!

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