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Easy & Inexpensive Holiday Gift | Free Hot Cocoa Mix Printable

Easy & Inexpensive Holiday GiftWe are blessed to have so many people in our lives that truly we couldn’t live without! I am sure you do too!…Off the top of my head, here’s just a few:

*bus drivers
*teacher assistants
*and more!

It seems to be a struggle every year about what to give them for Christmas, without breaking the bank or tipping our holiday budget! I know none of these people are “looking” for a gift, but we feel it’s important to acknowledge them in just a small way during this special time of year.

This year I am going to gift homemade Hot Cocoa Mix. It’s really inexpensive and is SOOO yummy!

My kids are highly addicted to this mix, so watch out! Once winter hits here in Indiana, the first thing my boys do when they get off the bus is grab a mug, stick it under Keurig to fill it with hot water, add a scoop of the mix and top it off with marshmallows or whip cream! I keep a HUGE container of the mix, so we don’t run out often.


Easy & Inexpensive Holiday Gift

This is a super easy DIY project. You can use any container you want. Hobby Lobby has a great selection of inexpenive containers, expecially when you buy them on their 50% off sale, which happens frequently! I save the Kraft Parmesan containers, wash them out and make sure they are completely dry before adding my mix.

After you have your containers ready, download and print out the Free Hot Cocoa Mix Printable below. Then, cut out your labels and spray the back with spray adhesive. (This is a craft product I use ALL the time, if you don’t have any make sure you buy some to keep on hand, you’ll be surprised how many times you grab it for something! Amazon has plenty of options.)

Finally I wrapped a little bit of baker’s twine around the container and added a quick tag! I also wrote the simple directions on the back of the tag, so the recipient would know how much mix to add to the water!


Printable Labels

Hot Cocoa Mix
Recipe Type: beverage
Author: Heather Moritz
Prep time:
Total time:
Super easy and inexpensive to keep on hand!
  • 1 1/3 c. instant dry milk
  • 1/2 c. sugar (heaping)
  • 1/4 c. cocoa
  • vanilla
  1. Brew 8 ounces of hot water.
  2. Add 1/2 c. of mix.
  3. Stir in 1/8 t. of vanilla.
  4. Top with Reddi Whip!


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