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Kitchen Decluttering What to Toss, What to Keep | Free Printable

Did you know that the average chopping board has more than 200% more germs than the average toilet seat? Yuck! That cutting board that you got as a wedding shower present 16 years ago that you are still using–well, it might just be time to ditch it!

Speaking of decluttering the kitchen, it might be time to evaluate what you have in all of those cabinets! Are you afraid to open a few of your cabinets because of what might spill out?! Let me share some kitchen decluttering tips to help you figure out what to keep and what to toss!

Kitchen Decluttering Tips

In every category below, quickly evaluate each checklist item. Don’t linger on thinking too much about each item as this is when we get in to trouble and end up keeping what we don’t need!

Included is the “6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it!” checklist item. The reality is if you haven’t used in item in the last 6 months, you probably won’t use it in the next 6 months either. That means it’s time for the item to exit the kitchen!


  • Match food storage containers & lids.
  • Toss Unmatched items.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.


  • Toss out expired food.
  • Toss half eaten/stale food.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.

Under Sink

  • Clean out under the kitchen sink.
  • Toss expired and unused cleaners.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Toss it.

Bakeware & Baking Equipment

  • Toss rusted, unusable baking pans /utensils that no longer fully function
  • Keep no more than 1-2 sets of mixing bowls, measuring cups, spoons, etc.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.

Cookware & Equipment

  • Toss pots/pans with worn teflon.
  • Toss utensils that no longer fully function.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.

Glass & Stemware

  • Donate mismatched/chipped glasses & coffee mugs
  • Toss chipped/cracked bowls & donate if you have too many
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.

Serving ware

  • Keep only 2 of a kind, donate excess.
  • Toss chipped/cracked serving ware.
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.

Knives & Cutting Boards

  • Toss knives that are dull (and cannot be sharpened), bent or rusty
  • Toss cutting boards with deep grooves (trapped with bacteria).are cracked or are old and need replaced
  • 6 month check: Haven’t used it? Donate or toss it.
kitchen declutter checklist | free printable | how to organize your kitchen |

Are your recipes a mess too? Get them organized in a snap with Recipe Binder Collection Kit:

Don’t feel like you need to accomplish going through every category all in one day. It’s not typical to have enough time to muddle through all of it in a day. Take your time. Use the kitchen decluttering tips above and print out the checklist. Go through one or two categories each day, in about a week your kitchen will be decluttered and you will feel thrilled every time you open a cabinet knowing they are organized and the excess is gone!



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