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How to be Grateful During the Holidays

You are probably focused on three things this holiday season: family, food, and gifts. In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, we are so focused on being prepared that we often forget to be thankful. Thanksgiving makes us think about gratitude and what we’re thankful for, but very few will actually do something about it. Here is how you can be more grateful during the holidays.

How to Be Grateful During the Holidays | Free Christmas Thank-You Card | Thankfulness tips | Teach your kids to be grateful

Write a thank you card

How to Be Grateful During the Holidays | Free Christmas Thank-You Card | Thankfulness tips | Teach your kids to be gratefulGiving and receiving gifts has become a focal point for the Christmas holiday. We are so used to the gift giving that sometimes we forget to thank the people who sent us those gifts. While it’s easy to say thank you while you’re in person, what about your grandparents or people who have sent you gifts from far away? Take the time to write a thank you card to those who gave you a gift this holiday season. If you need a little help, here is a template as well as a free printable Christmas thank-you card you can print (download at the bottom of the post) to send.

“Dear __,

       Thank you for the ___ that you gave me for Christmas this year. I can’t wait to (describe how you’ll use it). Thank you for making my Christmas extra special this year.



Donate your old gifts

Are there any gifts you got last year that are still sitting in their boxes? Is there anything in your home your family isn’t using? Take this time to go through your belongings to make room for the new ones you’ve received. Try to adopt a one-in, one-out mentality to keep your home from being cluttered, and donate those items to those in need. Your trash is someone else’s treasure.

Count your blessings

Take some time to think about the things you have in your life to be thankful for. Something as small as food on the table might be a luxury to others. By taking the time to recognize your family’s blessings, maybe by using a Gratitude Journal, you can easily adopt a grateful mindset going into the holiday season.

Give to those in need

We already talked about donating your excess stuff, but you can still offer your time and resources to help those in need. Are you a great cook? Offer to make a meal for the Ronald McDonald House. Do you quilt or sew? Make something for the homeless to keep them warm. Use your unique skills to help someone in need this holiday season.

We all know we should be more grateful this time of year, but so few of us actually put these into practice. Take some time out of your busy holiday schedule to practice gratitude this year. You’ll feel better, and you’ll make someone else’s day a little brighter.



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