
Seasonal Cleaning Guide

For some reason, with the change of a season, our eyes are quickly opened as they catch a glimpse of the dirty refrigerator or the crumbs in between the couch cushions or even the smell coming out of the garbage disposal.

Instead of letting that dirt stare at you, get after it with our easy to use Seasonal Cleaning Guide. Following the steps in the guide requires just a few minutes a day to get your house in top-top shape.

Seasonal Cleaning Guide

To being with, let’s start with the needed supplies to have on hand at all times.


Once you have your cleaning caddy full of supplies, you are set to begin. I suggest using the Seasonal Cleaning Guide as just that—seasonal. It’s really up to you as to how you want to pace yourself, but beyond the daily cleaning suggested, I recommend taking one of the rooms to do the deep clean on as each new season begins. Here’s a suggested schedule:

Spring: Kitchen
Summer: Bathroom
Fall: Bedroom
Winter: Living Room

Each room will require a deep clean. If you don’t already have the Deep Clean Checklists for each room, you can get them here–this digital download packet includes Deep Clean Checklists for each room in your house.


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