
Fall Frame TV Art | Download Your Set of 6 Free Digital Prints

With every new season or special occasion in our home (graduation, birthday, anniversary or any other fun event) it’s the perfect excuse to change out the artwork on our Samsung Frame TV. No matter the occasion, the Frame TV art that is displayed on our tv I get lot and lots of comments from those who come to our home. Without fail, the first thing most people say is, “I love the art above your mantle!” and then I reveal that it’s actually our TV and people are floored! It’s the best disguise ever!

Fall Frame TV Art

For your special occasion or new season you can always purchase art from Etsy or use the art from the Samsung Art Store. This fall I have gathered a number of vintage art pieces and beautiful photographs that that are ready to install on your Samsung Frame TV in just a few quick minutes.

Updating your tv with the seasonal fall art is super easy. Begin by downloading this collection of 6 fall prints and then follow the directions below to upload the digital fall print of your choice and change the look of the room your tv is in.

This collection contains:

  • vintage cloud scene
  • up close leaves changing color
  • field at dusk
  • vintage sailboat at sea
  • vintage fall mountains
  • falling leaves on a walking path

Are you ready to update the digital print to your Frame TV?

How to add photos or art to the Samsung Frame TV

  • First you need to edit your art or photo to 3840 x 2160px (You can use a free program like Canva, PicMonkey, the Adobe App on your phone or even the free app called Image Size that’s super simple to use). If you download the art from this post, it is already sized correctly!
  • If you haven’t already, download the SmartThings App (free) and connect your Samsung Frame TV.
  • From the app, select “art mode” and add your photos/artwork.
  • Select “no mat”.
  • Hit “set”.
  • Your art will now be on your TV!

Want even more direction? I created a video for you with all the details!

From the collection of 6 different fall digital downloads, grab one that will suit your home’s decor.

Update your Samsung Frame TV with one of these beautiful free instant download digital prints. Simply upload and display in just minutes.

To get your free Samsung Frame TV art, simply click the button below and the collection of all 6 digital files will be delivered straight to your inbox!

Looking for other great Frame TV digital art? Be sure to check out our Winter Collection and Christmas Collection too.


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  1. I also posted this comment on your you tube video. I love the downloads you offer and your video was very easy to follow. My problem is that my Smart Things app now does not have the “browse your photos” option available ( it is grayed out). I tried a number of things to try to get it back (it worked for maybe 6-8 different photos to try on my TV; not all in the same session but over few days). Then all of a sudden that choice was gone. When I looked online it sounds like it is not unusual but no real solution. Has this happened to you? If so, how did you get it back. Or any other suggestions? Also do you pay for the Samsung subscription? I thought that might make a difference. Thanks for your help. I enjoyed your Christmas downloads when I could get to them.

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