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Anniversary Date Tracker

You get a text from your husband reminding you that your in-laws anniversary is the following day. It happens every year. At this point, you quickly grab a card and toss it in the mail, knowing that, because they live half way across the county, it won’t arrive the next day.

Once again you have to call and dig yourself out of this hole– and apologize that the card is going to be late!

Printable Anniversary Date Tracker

Never forget another anniversary again. Use the free printable Anniversary Date Tracker to compile a complete list of your family & friend's anniversaries.

It may sound crazy, but I know many of you can relate–the older we get the more we forget. The things I never used to have to write down, I now need to add to my calendar or my weekly to do list.

In or current world of technology we have lost the art of sending anniversary cards (or almost any kind of card for that matter) via regular mail. It seems we find it easer to shoot off a text, leave a comment on Facebook or, if we are really motivated, send an e-card.

No matter how you choose to send an anniversary greeting, the important part as that we remember to actually send the greeting.

Never forget another anniversary again. Use the free printable Anniversary Date Tracker to compile a complete list of your family & friend's anniversaries.

Compiling a list of both family and friend’s anniversaries takes some time, but is of great value in the long run. No longer will you feel like the worst friend or family member because you have forgotten someone’s special day.

Use the Anniversary Date Tracker as a resource. Even better– use it in your Life Management Binder! Once you have a complete list of anniversaries, every year you can add them to your planner or calendar.


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