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Back-to-School Time | Free Breakfast Invitation Printable

I feel like I say this every year, but the summer has flown by! The older my kids get, the faster life goes! I can hardly stand it, we are two-thirds of the way through July and it’s time to start thinking about sending our kids off for another year of school! The school supply ads are everywhere, the kids are asking for new shoes, mom’s are talking about what teachers they hope their kids get!

It’s also about the time I think about hosting our annual “Back-to School Breakfast”! We have done this for years in our old neighborhood and when we moved last year, we continued the tradition. We keep it really simple. I set up tables on the driveway and ask everyone to bring something. We always end up with plenty of food and lots of fellowship! The kids come ready with backpacks and have a chance to take first day of school pictures.

Let’s get started with the invitation:


I had originally seen these invitations on pinterest via Marci Coombs. They are SO easy to make..grab a bag of apples, a pack of pencils, notecards, some ribbon and you are ready to go! I found my ribbon at Michael’s Craft Store (it was even in the $1 bin!). To print the notecards, I used 5″x8″ cards and printed 2 invitations on each notecard. Once printed, cut the notecard in half horizontally, wrap the invite around the pencil and secure with glue or double sided tape.

About a week before school started, my boys hand delivered each invitation to the neighbor kids. Just a simple invitation like this got the kids excited about the first day of school and the anxiety level of that first day lessened as the kids had something fun to look forward to!

I have created a FREE editable Back-to-School Breakfast Invitation for you. Simple click on the link below the ads, fill in the invitation with the details you need to add, and then print!

{Here’s a sample of the pdf…the boxes will not show when printed, but are there for you to fill in your information.}

sample back to school breakfast pdf







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