6 Dirtiest Things in your House Cleaning Printable
Many of us make cleaning a priority in our home, whether we clean our homes ourselves or have a cleaning service. We make sure our toilets and showers get cleaned, the floors mopped and swept and even take the time to do some deep cleaning (like baseboards and refrigerators!). Of course, when you are done with your weekly or bi-weekly cleaning, you think you have cleaned even the dirtiest things in your house.
Little did we all know that some of the dirtiest things in your house are getting skipped over! There are many things we use on a daily basis we are not spending the time to clean frequently.
Dirtiest Things in Your House
Check out these are the top 6 Dirtiest Things in Your House & How to Clean Them:
Faucet Handles
Mix 2 c. of warm water with 2 T. of dishwashing liquid in a small bowl. Soak a washrag into the mixture & scrub the faucet. Use an old toothbrush dipped in baking soda to scrub areas with hard mineral deposits. Rinse faucet & shine with a microfiber cloth.
Door Knobs
Spray the surface with vinegar and wipe dry with a clean cloth.
Pet Beds
Vacuum bed of hair and debris. Remove cover from base of bed and put both in the washing machine. Wash on sanatize cycle. Use a dryer sheet in the dryer to reduce static electricity and remove excess hair.
Cutting Boards
Keep your wooden or plastic cutting board cleaner by scrubbing it with a paste made from 1 tablespoon each baking soda, salt, and water. Rinse thoroughly with hot water.
Mix 3/4 cup of bleach in one gallon of water, and soak the sponge for five minutes.
Remote Controls
Use a lint-free cloth to wipe down the remote with rubbing alcohol (or use an electronics cleaning wipe). Make sure to get both the top, bottom and sides. Use the cotton swab for any areas that the cloth can’t easily reach.
Do you need help getting these things cleaned in your house? You can download and print this 6 Dirtiest Things in Your House Printable to help you out. Download using the button at the bottom of the post.
Want another great tip?! I kicked the cleaning chemicals from our home and replaced all of my cleaning supplies with just one cleaner–Thieves Cleaner! Just one bottle of concentrate has lasted me almost 2 years!.
Trying to get your whole house deep cleaned? Follow this monthly schedule, it will help you keep on track to tackle every area of your home!
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Such a useful article… Thanks for sharing