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Before School Morning Routine Checklist

How many of you all have kiddos who come to give you a little kiss good-bye before they hop on the bus and you ask, “Did you brush your teeth?”

You hear their response, “Um (pause…as if they really have to think about it!), NO!” What….don’t they do this every. single. day.?!?!? How is it possible they forget? Just baffling!

Sometimes they need a little reminder! This super simple Morning Routine Checklist will help keep your kids on task! Print it out and hang it on the fridge, put it in your mudroom or tape it to their bathroom mirror! They can run through it every morning to make sure they have done everything before the head to the bus stop!

Grab the download link below!

Morning Routine Checklist

Before School Routine Printable



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  1. I love this cute checklist! Is there any chance of sending me an editable version to customize it for our homeschooling? Thanks!

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