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Printable Weekly Planner

It’s true that many of us would like to be more efficient, less forgetful, more productive. Reality is we struggle to actually be this way. The desire is there, but we can be paralyzed on how to actually be more efficient, less forgetful and more productive.

At the recommendation of a friend, I recently listed to a TEDx Talk by Mel Robbins. Mel talks about how it takes our brain 5 seconds to make a decision. Typically our brain wants to make a decision that is the easiest, but not always the best decision. (Should I exercise today? Should I hit the snooze button again? Should I choose not to eat dessert?)

It’s time to take this 5 second rule, and as she suggests count backwards..5, 4, 3, 2, 1, to try to make the best decision.

I do this every single week when I menu plan. Friends, I haaaate to menu plan. I mean HATE it. Nine times out of 10 I beat the mental battle and get it done. And, guess what? During the week I am ever so thankful I know what’s going on the table every night and I have the groceries to cook dinner.

Let’s talk about that week I choose not to make a menu plan. About 4pm I panic. Not sure what to make, I finally decide on something and I don’t have everything I need to make up. Dinner time turns disastrous. WHY do I do this to myself?


The same is true with Weekly Planning. I have learned to take 10 minutes at the beginning of the week to schedule out our week. I can tackle events better, get more done and feel less productive. BUT, I have to make up my mind, in those 5 seconds, to actually grab the Weekly Planner, brainstorm through the week, and get my plan in order.

The free printable Weekly Planner (which you can download at the bottom of the post) is the perfect solution for a simple weekly overview of the week. You can easily see major calendar events, your top list of items you need to accomplish, your menu for the week, goals and notes.

There are even many days I go beyond using just the Weekly Planner and use the Daily Task Organizer as well. This allows me to brainstorm my day, create a detailed to-do list and focus on my top priorities.




First, I use the free printable Monthly Planner in the disc binding system. Then, every month I add in 4 copies of the Weekly Planner printed back-2-back (2-pages), so that I can further break down my weeks.

It’s a super simple system, but it works!

It doesn’t matter how you do it, what matters is that you do it–take the time to plan your week. You will be so glad you did!


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  1. Hi! Started trailing the weekly planner; now I haven’t been consistent but let’s be honest it was throughout the summer months.

    On of the shortfalls is the Sunday start. I like Monday starts as my weekends are the busiest and best to keep them together. Do you have a Monday start version?

  2. I’m so sad because I can’t get any of your links to work. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. Would you email these sheets? I keep trying to download several and they won’t open for me.. Thank you for ALL of your hard work!!!!
    Blessings, Cassy

  3. Love your free printables! Here is my goal to get things done:
    Procrastination is a sin.
    It brings me endless sorrow.
    I really must stop doing it.
    In fact, I’ll start tomorrow!

    Thank you for sharing so many fee printables!

  4. This printable is so perfect, I have tried subscribing via email twice to be able to use it. I have not received any emails from you, what am I doing wrong?

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