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Weekly Menu Plan Printable

Previously, I shared with you about how my productivity is pretty stinky during the day unless I take the time to write out a to-do list. The other thing I have found keeps me calm through the week is having a menu plan!

Without a menu plan, I typically get that panicky feeling about mid-afternoon and try to quickly come up with something I can grab out of the freezer, thaw and either grill or throw in the oven. This just results in making the same meals over and over again!

Weekly Menu Plan

If I simply take 10 minutes on the weekend, before I head to the grocery store, meal time is such a breeze! Here’s what happens:

  • I know what I need need to grab out of the freezer to thaw ahead of time
  • I eliminate the need to “run to the store” because I need just one or two items
  • I no longer hear “what’s for dinner” from everyone in the house, now they can just glance at the meal plan list

I would challenge you to give weekly menu planning a try for a month and see how much easier life is. Simply download the printable at the bottom of the post!



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  1. Hello, I can’t seem to download the weekly meal planner… Others work fine, just this one doesn’t. Not through here, or the email it sends. Help?! Would really like to use a few of yours. Kind of a weakspot for the same style planners. Thanks!

      1. My husband thinks we eat chicken every night. This way I will show him our menus for the week and see we have a variety of meals.

  2. Olá, eu não consigo fazer o download do planejador semanal de refeições … Outros funcionam bem, só que este não funciona. Não por aqui, ou pelo email que envia. Socorro?! Gostaria realmente de usar alguns dos seus. Uma espécie de weakspot para os mesmos planejadores de estilo. Obrigado!

  3. Hi. Love the look of this meal planner, and have been browsing your other printable too – and I could definitely see myself wanting them in the future… for now, would it be possible for you to send me a copy of this planner?? Thanks.

  4. I’d like a copy! I also tried to sign up to your email list but it didn’t go through. I recently purchased from you and I love that these coordinate with the life management stuff.

  5. Your Meal Planner is so cute! I would love a copy, but unable to download it. Would you send me a link or attachment?


  6. This is amazing! Thank you for the work you put into your spreadsheets and having them available for us to use!
    God keep blessing you and can’t wait to keep organizing.

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