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Spring Season Brain Dump Worksheet (Free Printable)

Here we are at the turn of a new season.

Organize your Mental Clutter

It seems like with the start of every new season there can be an onslaught of overwhelm. The overwhelm that comes with all the things that need to be done—everything from making personal connections to chores that need to be done around the house to new family activities.

It’s often hard to know where to begin. Why? Because our brains are filled with so much mental clutter that is completely unorganized and swirling around in our heads.

The Best Way to Eliminate Overwhelm

The first step to get a handle on your upcoming season end eliminate your overwhelm is to simply set aside 15 minutes to commit to doing the Spring Season Brain Dump Worksheet.

All you need is the free printable Spring Season Brain DumpWorksheet PDF or digital file. Both are available for download from the bottom of this post) and 15 minutes of time.

Be sure take note of how you are feeling before you start the brain dump. The clear mind you will have after the brain dump is going to be worth every single minute.

Next, set a timer for 15 minutes. Put all the swirling thoughts about the upcoming spring season onto your brain dump worksheet. Give yourself enough time to really think through each category listed on the right side of the worksheet. Write EVERYTHING down, and I mean everything!

PS…these are my favorite pens to write with because they are erasable! Trust me, you’ll never go back to anything else!

Brain Dump Worksheet to Organize your Spring Season

Next, it’s time to actually create a usable and workable brain dump list. Here’s how:

Look through all of the items you listed on the right side of your worksheet. Circle the top 5 items that are non-negotiables that must get completed in the upcoming season, no matter what. Write those items in the “MUST DO” box on the left side of the worksheet.

Repeat this process with your list of “COULD DO” items as well as “WANT TO DO” items. Really take the time to prioritize which brain dump item goes in each category.

There is a possibility that some of the items on your original brain dump don’t make it onto your to-do lists on the left side of the page. That’s ok. This brain dump enables you to simply prioritize the most important.

Use the free printable Spring Season Brain Dump Worksheet to eliminate the overwhelm of all the things to do at the turn of the spring season

How a Brain Dump Improves Clarity

Removing all the moving pieces, overwhelm and clutter brings clarity in so many ways: clarity to your mind, clarity to your schedule and calendar, and clarity to your life’s overall organization.

Instead of feeling like you are drowning and struggling to make sense of even where to begin, there is a transformation that turns all of those feelings into a sense of a “can do” attitude. This simple braind dump technique changes everything.

Remember when I mentioned at the beginning of this post to take note of your feelings before you started your Spring Season Brain Dump? Now I want you to take note of how you are feeling now that you got everything out on paper and have a well organized list of exactly what you need to accomplish.

Hopefully you feel a sense of relief and excitement to start tackling that list. Now’s the time to grab your calendar and add schedule some of those to-do list items! Guard that time once they are scheduled and don’t let anything else take priority over getting them done!

If you want to get more done each day…be sure to tackle your day with the Daily Task Organizer. You might just be surprised at all you can accomplish.



The holiday season can be downright exhausting. We have too many things to do and not enough time to get them done. The 2024 HOLIDAY PLANNER will not only help you get organized, but will also help melt away that holiday stress so that you can actually enjoy the season!

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