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Summer Reading for Tweens | Free Summer Printable Day #23

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Are your tweens and teens unmotivated to get out a book and read in their free time this summer? Are they glued to the electronics ignoring the library book setting on their nightstand? Summer reading for tweens and teens can be an issue…find out below how to motivate them!

30 Days of Free Summer Printables continues today with day 23! Each day we are bringing to you printables that will help you with your summer organization, fun, travel and much, much more!

Summer Reading for Tweens & Teens

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The tween and teen years can be hard. It can be difficult to get kids this age to do what we ask, and that’s totally normal. Sometimes we need to offer a little motivation–to make a boring task seem more exciting. Sunshine and Hurricanes created these fun Reading Bingo Cards to help motivate tweens and teens to read.

Feel free to offer your kids a reward for completing the card–it may be all they need to get their nose in a book!

free summer printables | summer reading for tweens | reading bingo | free printable

Download the free Summer Bingo Reading Cards for Tweens by clicking the link below…


Want to keep your sanity this summer?! Simply opt-in below to get the Summer Survival Guide: Getting Everything Done(in Less Time!) sent straight to your inbox!

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  1. I have thought so many times of entering the blogging world as I love reading them. I think I finally have the courage to give it a try. Thank you so much for all of the ideas!

  2. I adore reading blogs and have often considered starting my own. Now that I’ve worked up the nerve, I might as well give it a shot. All of the suggestions are very appreciated.

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