Room Remodel Worksheet

Is it time to give that room of yours a little make-over? It might need a big or small makeover, but no matter what your room needs, you’ve got to make a plan!

Use the free printable Room Remodel Worksheet to create a master plan for upgrading or remodeling any room in your home.

Room Remodel Worksheet

There are so many things to think about when re-doing or remodeling a room in your home. You’ll need to plan everything from paint colors to electronic purchases to flooring.

When you use the Room Remodel Worksheet you can begin by using the planning checklist to plan out every detail:

  • Plan out the remodel timeline
  • Create your budget
  • Create a brainstorm Pinterest Board Interview contractors (if necessary)
  • Finalize & hire contractor
  • Pick out wall colors, cabinetry, counters, flooring
  • Decide on light fixtures and hardware
  • Order furniture, appliances and window treatments

When working your way through the use the checklist, be sure to use budget area to plan all of your finances for your project.

Finally, as you choose new paint colors, flooring, counters and more, make sure to add them to the details list so you have everything handy in one location to reference quickly.

Even better, you can add the Room Remodel Worksheet to your Life Management Binder–place it in the “home” section. This way it will be super easy to access and you’ll never lose it!

Ready to get started? You can download the Room Remodel Worksheet below.


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