
31 Day Monthly Habit Tracker (Free Printable)

If it’s January, people are eager to create new habits of set up a lit of goals. As time goes on, habits go to the wayside.

First Steps to Better Habits

Setting intentions is the first step to actually following through and forming those habits. These habits don’t have to be overly complicated. You list can even include little things you forget to do. Need a few examples? Add to your list things like: take daily vitamins, do your devotions or even get 8 hours of sleep.

The Best Way to Track Daily Habits

The first step to establishing or renewing new habits is to simply set aside 15 minutes to create your very own 31 Day Monthly Habit Tracker Worksheet.

All you need is the free printable 31 Day Monthly Habit Tracker Worksheet PDF or digital file. Both are available for download from the bottom of this post) and a few minutes of time.

Next, set a timer for 15 minutes. Use a scrap piece of paper to create a list of all the habits you want to work on in the upcoming month.. Give yourself enough time to really think through everything. Write EVERYTHING down, and I mean everything! Don’t worry, you’ll have a chance to refine the list.

When your time is up, look through your list and prioritize your top 5 habits you want to establish. Write them down on your worksheet. Out of the things left on your brainstorm list, look at each item and decide to ditch it or add it to your list. Don’t make your list so overwhelming that you can’t get each thing done on a daily basis.

Take Action: Start Habit Tracking

Next, it’s time to actually use your Monthly Habit Tracker.

You’ve created your list. Now it’s time to implement.

Keep your Habit Tracker Worksheet in a handy location, especially a location where you will see it and be able to check in often. The more you check the tracker throughout the day, the more likely you are to be able to check each habit on your list off.

By now I hope you are super excited to get started tracking your habits! Now’s the time to block out time daily to make sure you get to your habits each and every day. Use our Daily Time Blocking Schedule to make them a priority.

If you want to get more done each day…be sure to use the Printable Weekly Planner to add in your habits you are establishing this month.


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