How to Blog for Profit Without Selling Your Soul

howtoblogforprofitBOOKCOVER.300pxIf you are a blogger, I am sure that you feel the need to do at least one thing to improve your blog. More than likely, I bet you actually have a whole list of things you would like to do but frequestly feel like there is not enough time. You might not be able to decide how to prioritize what you need to do to your blog in order to bring in a bigger income. The decisions are hard.

A few weeks ago I had the privilege of reading and reviewing my client and friend, Ruth’s ebook titled How to Blog for Profit (Without Selling Your Soul) If you are thinking at all about even a single way you can improve your blog, you need to take the time to buy and download Ruth’s e-book! What’s even better is that TODAY ONLY it is just $.99. It’s a teeny-tiny investment today that will scream a huge return in the near future!

I wanted to share with you my review for the book:

As a blog designer, I have had the opportunity to work with many, many bloggers. So many new bloggers have no idea where or how to begin making money through their blog. Because of Ruth’s new book, I now have an excellent resource to refer bloggers to. There are so many tips and lots of guidance offered in every chapter, that no one will be able to soak it all in on the first read! There is fabulous “action plan” at the end of each chapter to get bloggers, both old and new, moving in the right direction!

Last week I sent a long time blogger over to Amazon to buy the book, and 2 days later got a phone call telling me how much she had learned and she wasn’t even done with the book yet! It refueled her fire to blog with a purpose. I would like to encourage you, too, to read it as well!



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