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Holiday Dinner Conversation Starters

The table is full of amazing food–delish veggies, mouthwatering warm rolls oozing with butter, that strawberry jello salad you’ve eaten every holiday since you were a kid. And then there’s the family-sometimes those dinner conversations can be–shall we say, awkward!

Skip the awkward holiday dinner conversation--use these fun Holiday Dinner Conversation Starters to enable a healthy and fun dinner discussion.

Holiday Dinner Conversation Starters

Sometimes, just sometimes, it might be easier to have a somewhat guided conversation! Conversation that includes everyone at the table–a chance for all to share a bit about themselves, and who doesn’t love to talk about themselves, their interests, their likes and more.

There are lots and lots of holiday dinner conversation starters ideas included in this fun printable. Print them all out, toss them in a hat or a jar or even a bowl and let each person draw one starter idea out.

Each person can take a turn reading their question and others can jump in and answer. Check out some of the starters below:

  • What is your biggest Christmas shopping disaster?
  • What is the hardest thing you have done this year?
  • What is your favorite Thanksgiving Dessert?

Make your holiday dinner super fun. Grab the free printable Holiday Dinner Conversation Starters below:

Add even more fun to you holiday gathering. Set the kid’s table with Christmas placemats, send the kids on a treasure hunt, and add these fun table place cards to the adult table!


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